

i'm sick.

i'm really sick. from the headaches, to the sore throat, to the fever, to the cough, to the re-occuring stomach aches, to other things that may be TMI... i've never felt so sick.

so my daddy made me go to the doctors office. in middle of work. to put his mind at ease... i went.
and boy, do i have problems. a lot of problems...

i always knew about these problems, but i don't know why they're bothering me now. i'm not THAT old. but i feel like it's so crucial for me to change my life. now.

and then my mommy.
she sent me an email. and every time i opened that email... i cried. during work. every sentence i read made me miss her more. every word was pain because i could hear her saying it.

i've been in college. i've lived away from home. i've missed my mommy before. but it's different when it feels like she was taken away.

i could hear her honesty in her words. i feel like being sick is making her hurt. especially because she is so far away. especially because as a parent, she feels like she can't take care of me.

i will change, mommy. i will change and do better. i promise.


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